Sunrise Valley Science and Technology Park (Lithuania)
Sunrise Valley Science and Technology Park (SVSTP) was established in 2003. It currently runs science and technology park and business incubator, which are located in one of Lithuanian integrated science, studies and business centers “Sunrise Valley”. The mission of SVSTP is to ensure provision of quality services to knowledge-intensive business and to encourage and support everyone willing to commercialise their business ideas. Experience and competencies of Sunrise Valley Science and Technology Park are concentrated in 4 major fields: business incubation, technology transfer, entrepreneurship education and access to venture capital. Organization has developed specific ‘know-how’ in communicating and cooperating with universities and researchers, cooperating with local and national business communities, especially with entrepreneurs, start-ups and investors. SVSTP is actively participating in developing non-formal entrepreneurship and investment readiness education programs and cooperates with private and risk capital funds in Lithuania. We encourage the young generation to develop and implement their business ideas, the scientists – to venture commercialising their inventions, and we urge business enterprises to use different state provided opportunities allowing to increase entrepreneurship competences in the level of both employees and as an enterprise itself.
Read more: www.ssmtp.lt

LinkMenu fabrikas at Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (Lithuania)
Creativity and Innovation Centre “LinkMenu fabrikas” at Vilnius Gediminas Technical University is a collaborative makerspace with modern tools for learning, making, and sharing. Other than that, it’s a growing knowledge-sharing community where fellow makers connect, share resources and ideas. Linkmenu fabrikas has everything from tools and spaces to people and know-how, allowing the implementation of the full product cycle including idea development, prototyping and market entrance. The main advantage of this centre is its interdisciplinary approach, which is also one of the strategic pillars of VGTU. As a traditional makerspace we have various mechanical workshops (3D, metal, wood, electronics, painting), and what makes us special, we also offer fully equipped media workshops (photo, video and audio studios, postproduction and 3D animation software, commercial printing). This enables students from different fields to collaborate. Developing a prototype is just a beginning of a successful endeavour – Linkmenu fabrikas is organising training and individual consultations on business development, IP and knowledge transfer.
Read more: www.linkmenufabrikas.vgtu.lt

Association of Technical Spaces (Lithuania)
Association of Technical Spaces (TEA) is a not-for-profit organization – association of Lithuanian makerspaces, hackerspaces, Fab Labs, Educational organizations and other interested companies. TEA is supporting the Global and local Maker Movement and bringing innovations in education to Lithuanian schools and universities as well informal learning for adults. Currently, association is collaborating with different cities and public & private partners for establishing and supporting a network of mini-fab labs in local schools and micro:bit roll outs for children also organizes Maker Faire events in Lithuania as well participate in Horizon 2020 programme – Phablabs 4.0 project as official representative for M-Lab (the Fab Lab of Vilnius). TEA focuses on creation and adaptation of new learning content for formal education/curriculum which includes STE(A)M, hands-on & project based learning, design thinking together with programming, digital fabrication, robotics and development of 21st-century skills in wide range – from School to Higher education and Science & Business innovation level.
Read more: www.teamakers.lt

Inventya Ltd (United Kingdom)
Inventya is an innovation management company specialising in market intelligence and the commercialisation of new products in advanced science and technologies with core strengths in manufacturing, healthcare and clean-tech. Inventya’s research expertise is within business modelling, market intelligence, exploitation, and dissemination activities. Its objective is to reduce the risk associated with the commercialisation of the project results while maximising the return on investment for the project. Inventya works with businesses, academic, public research organisations and investors providing market and customer insights to drive new product development and marketing strategies. The company provides key intelligence on customer adoption issues, market dynamics, value chain analysis, technical economic analysis and suitable routes to market through our relations with stakeholders ranging from manufacturers, industry stakeholders and investors. Inventya has strong experience in developing business plans for leading edge technologies. Inventya also delivers a number of projects to support businesses to achieve growth through the commercialisation of innovation including Enterprise Europe Network and the Centre for Global Eco-innovation, providing the company with an extensive reach for dissemination of results and stakeholder engagement. Inventya’s proprietary Innovation Panel (www.innovationpanel.com) provide a platform for stakeholder engagement and project dissemination. Inventya supported the exploitation and commercialisation of over 500 science and technology innovations for which they helped raised over €50 million in private and public funding.
Read more: www.inventya.com

SC Ludor Engineering SRL (Romania)
Ludor Engineering is a Romania based company dedicated to providing comprehensive services and consultancy, including 3D printing and Prototyping. Also, it is specialised in the implementation of technologies (3D printing, drone technology) in education as well as in design, fabrication and documentation of installations for STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) teaching. Ludor Engineering has a wide expertise in 3D printing and related activities (3D modelling, engineering, product design, etc.). The organization has a good understanding of the learning process and the methods of improving it, as it was involved in many projects dedicated to help students to better comprehend STEM subjects. As a result of scientific activity and/or direct experience with European projects, it has expertise in fields of 3D Printing, Prototyping, 3D Design and Modelling, Technological Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Technical Training, etc. Fab Lab Iasi, a Romanian member of the international makerspace network FabLab, is among Ludor Engineering collaborators. Ludor Engineering supports the local makers’ community with engineering, prototyping and 3D printing services and educational presentations at various events. Ludor Engineering is currently coordinating the Erasmus+ KA2 project “Training In 3D Printing to Foster EU Innovation & Creativity” aimed to develop a 3D printing curricula for VET and an e-learning platform that allows everyone interested to learn and to have its 3D printing skills certificated by ECDL (thanks to ECDL Lithuania, one of the project’s partners).
Read more: www.ludoreng.com

University Politehnica of Bucharest, CAMIS center (Romania)
University Politehnica of Bucharest (UPB) is the largest Technical University in Romania contributing greatly to the development of Higher Education in the country (with more than 30000 students and 2500 staff members). It has a vast range of expertise in fostering innovation and creativity in Technical Engineering, these concepts being taught to students for several years. This include courses on CAD/CAM technologies that are also among core skills for our students, concepts that are taught for several years to Engineering students. The academic and technical staff of one of university’s research and innovation centers UPB-CAMIS, has experience in modern and innovative engineering technologies within the Faculty of Engineering and Management of Technological Systems (EMTS). Theoretical and practical knowledge on additive manufacturing (incl. 3D printing technologies) are among the competences that are students gain by the end of their BSc studies. The CAMIS RDI center has a vast experience with EU projects. CAMIS was involved in Erasmus+ KA2 projects such as Training in 3D Printing To Foster EU Innovation & Creativity, 2016-2018, or Longlife Learning projects with highly appreciated results by the target audiences and end-users such as European SMEs in Computer Aided Industrial Design(euCAD). UPB is also recognized by the National Qualification Authority as a continuous formation educational provider for Computer Aided Design courses and involved in organisation of ECDL 3D Printing courses. UPB-CAMIS also administers its own learning management system and has an extensive experience in e-learning and adult education, including vocational education and training. It has considerable experience in project quality assurance activities, including internal and external evaluation of project activities and results.
Read more: www.camis.pub.ro

Riga Technical University (Latvia)
Riga Technical University (RTU) is the largest technological university in the Baltic States with rich history and clear future vision aimed at promoting excellence in student academic results, research, and global issues in cooperation with the industry and foreign partners. RTU is accredited, internationally recognised European university that implements academic and professional study programmes of advanced quality. RTU has been highly evaluated by the international experts within the Institutional Evaluation Programme carried out by the European University Association (EUA), who recognised that strategically RTU is moving in the right direction on the way to becoming a modern university of the third generation. RTU has 9 faculties with almost 15k students. Riga Technical University “Latvenergo creative laboratory” is the place where the students can be involved into electrical engineering prototyping and its successful realization. The laboratory was opened on November 9, 2015. The creative laboratory was designed to encourage the students as well as secondary school pupils into practical skills in electrical prototyping. The laboratory is not directly connected to any particular study program. Anyone can use the laboratory and its equipment to implement their technical ideas, whether they are required for high school students in scientific research work, or for the students for their bachelor and master papers, or just for interested persons, who want to try their hands in the creation of electrical equipment. Laboratory is equipped with twelve working places, completes with a variety of machining tools, measurement and testing equipment. The working environment is also improved with the smoke extractors at each place. Visitors of the laboratory can get help and advises for their engineering solutions and ideas provided by the RTU staff and students.
Read more: www.rtu.lv